Joren Bolhuis
Engine, Graphics & Gameplay programmer
Aurora Engine
Personal project 2017/Present
OpenGL & DirectX 11
Aurora engine is my personal project that I work on in my spare time. The engine is a cross-platform engine supporting both Windows and Linux. The project is setup with CMake and allows for easy switching between the 2 supported renderer's: OpenGL and DirectX 11. Windows supports both renderer's, but Linux only support OpenGL. Next to the engine, I am creating an editor to support level-building. This editor is build on top of the engine.
Features that are currently present:
CMake project generation, including platform and editor abstraction
DirectX11 & OpenGL renderer
Math wrapper around GLM & DirectXMath
In-engine logging and console
Dear-ImGui for debug rendering
Resource loading system
ECS (Entity Component System)
Features I'm working on right now:
Editor to support level building and property editing
Proper asset saving/loading system
Features that are planned for the future:
PBR & IBL (Physically Based Rendering and Image Based Lighting)
Lua scripting
Multiplayer support
A bunch of rendering features (shadows, post-processing, optimizations, etc.)
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